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정책토론상세조회 테이블

[행정교육]부천시 청소년 육성 정책 토론회

  • 토론기간:2012-06-01 ~ 2012-06-01
  • 담당부서:
댓글 (1)
    1. 2011-08-28
    2. Hi I found some excellent articles for anyone who is looking to improve their! can be a really big issue for a lot of people, and I think more and more people are starting to understand the power of the internet and internet advertising. That's why can be such an important factor. These guys make some excellent points about how important is. Most people today look at least for ten minutes online today before doing business with someone. It can be almost compulsive if you ask me. But anyways for anyone who is looking for tips or who are looking to improve their you may want to contact these guys.
이전글 부천시 교육정책 추진 토론회
다음글 대중교통 활성화 및 서비스 개선방안 시민토론회
  • 정보제공부서 : 정책기획과 정책팀
  • 전화번호 : 032-625-2207

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